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Acquisition of permanent property for ACT church at Fresh Wota!!

Acquisition of permanent property for ACT church at Fresh Wota!!

As Pastor John Tangalobani and his Assistant Pastor took church around just like Israelites in the wilderness moving from places to places, God was molding and preparing them through challenges and shaping them for a better harvest ahead. If they had a comfortable place right from day one, they would become like other established mother churches that remained the same and could have lost sight of the TRUTH they stood for. We believed that God gave them time before giving them the Promised Land to FIRMLY BELEIVE the TRUTH they preached themselves to others as they are accountable for what they believe and preached on Judgment Day. Besides, facing the challenges of the well established mother churches that see their flocks leaving for the TRUTH preached by Pastor Tangalobani and his Assistant Pastor Kalo and their followers caused ill feelings from among the mother churches as this was a different doctrine from the one they received from the Missionaries who first arrived with the Gospel on Vanuatu shores.

Furthermore, taking this TRUTH into the already established Presbyterian, Anglican, Catholics, Churches of Christ, SDA and other first churches in Vanuatu was not an easy task in the Port Vila community. The two newly Pentecostal Pastors and their members in Port Vila had to be well prepared through layers of prayers to make a breakthrough.Courage and Boldness and Faith in the Name of JESUS were the key for their success that is evident today.

 It was evident that the two pastors, John Tangalobani and his Assistant Pastor both have a big heart…a heart to reach out for lost souls…an evangelistic heart. They had been threatened, their lives at risk for the sake of the gospel…but they pressed on with perseverance and faith. The growth and the branching out of the Port Vila church is accredited to their time, effort, much prayer and fasting; and standing by their side are their prayerful and supportive wives Katiri Tangalobani and Rossie Kalo. The ACT church members SALUT their heroes…heroes who had nurtured them from a lost and dying world into a world of truth and love in the kingdom of our God and King, JESUS CHRIST.