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Missions Ministry

Missions Ministry at Apostolic Christian Tabernacle

Impacting Lives, Sharing Hope, Changing the World

Welcome to the Missions Ministry at [Your Church Name], where we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the world through acts of love, compassion, and service. Our missions ministry is a vibrant and integral part of our church family, embodying our commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission.

Our Mission

At Apostolic Christian Tabernacle, our Missions Ministry is driven by the belief that every act of kindness, every mission, every outreach, has the power to change lives. Our mission is to serve, empower, and inspire positive change in local and global communities. We strive to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to those in need, sharing the message of hope, and spreading the love of God.

What We Do

Local Outreach: We are actively engaged in serving our local community, from feeding the hungry to providing shelter and support to those facing adversity. Global Impact: Our missions extend to far-reaching corners of the world, where we partner with organizations to provide medical care, education, clean water, and disaster relief. Mission Trips: We offer opportunities for our members to participate in life-changing mission trips that open hearts and minds to the needs of the world. Missions Support: Our missions ministry also supports and uplifts missionaries, individuals, and families who have dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel and aiding the underserved. Join Our Cause

We invite you to join our Missions Ministry in making a difference. Whether you're seeking an opportunity to serve, to give, or to grow in faith through acts of compassion, our ministry offers a platform for you to share your gifts and be part of something greater.

Together, we can change the world, one act of love at a time. We look forward to your involvement and to the positive change we can bring to the world, reflecting God's love and grace.

Brother Hapsai George is the outreach director with the help of his wife sister Merilyn George. This couple love the Lord and they did all they could to ensure the mission work is carried out base on the outreach mission statement that is "if we are not mission minded we will die, Outreach is the heartbeat of the Church"

Brother Louis Vakaran is the outreach director with the help of his wife sister Irene Vakaran. This couple love the Lord and they did all they could to ensure the mission work is carried out base on the outreach mission statement that is "if we are not mission minded we will die, Outreach is the heartbeat of the Church"