Sunday School

The Sunday School Ministry is dear to the heart of any Church organizations in the world. The leaders are sometimes, if not all the time missed out on many important sermons and gospel messages preached by Pastors from Church pulpit.
The Ministry is dear to the heart of the Church. Sunday school is one of the very important body in the Church Ministry work.
“ In ACT Sunday school we provide many lessons such as Bible stories,Bible Songs,Memory Verses and many more children Biblical activities. Trough the help of committed Sunday School teachers, help the children to memorise Bible verses that sinks into the minds and the hearts of the children.
The Challenges that the Sunday School Teachers face with are the very young souls-the Children are lack of proper equipment and facilities such as tables, chairs to sit on and write or do their drawings. But despite of the lack of these luxury, the Children still always enjoy attending classes every Sunday-sitting on mats and love to do a lot of singing. When it remains, we have to move the children into the shelter to continue classes. Again, despite the challenges, the Sunday School teachers, always hold on to the Ministry responsibilities of running the weekly Sunday School programs with determination to ensure that the children are grounded in their spiritual growth.
It is the Sunday School Teachers Prayers that one day-in the future, the very young Sunday School Children of the ACT Church will become the Leaders in the Church and in the important national Leaders of our country Vanuatu.
WE continue to welcome the Children who are not yet attending the Sunday School classes to come forward and encourage the parents to bring them in to the ACT Sunday School fold.
Sister Madlene Amos is our Sunday School Durector